Myrtle Beach Homes for Sale: A North Carolina vs. South Carolina Comparison

Are you looking to buy a home in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, but can’t decide whether to explore options in the North Carolina or South Carolina side of this vibrant coastal city? Myrtle Beach offers a diverse real estate market, but it’s essential to understand the differences and similarities between the two states’ property options before making a decision. Click here In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the real estate scenes in North Carolina and South Carolina, helping you make an informed choice when hunting for the perfect home in Myrtle Beach.

  1. Location and Accessibility

North Carolina:

  • The northern part of Myrtle Beach extends into North Carolina.
  • Convenient access to the coastal area, particularly for those coming from areas like Wilmington, NC.
  • Slightly quieter compared to the South Carolina side, which may appeal to those seeking a more peaceful environment.

South Carolina:

  • The majority of Myrtle Beach is located in South Carolina.
  • Offers more extensive amenities, attractions, and entertainment options.
  • Myrtle Beach International Airport is located in South Carolina, ensuring convenient air travel access.
  1. Real Estate Market

North Carolina:

  • A smaller portion of Myrtle Beach is situated in North Carolina, resulting in a limited number of properties.
  • Real estate tends to be pricier in this area due to its exclusivity.
  • Potential for high appreciation in property value over time.

South Carolina:

  • A larger real estate market with a broader range of options, catering to various budgets.
  • More extensive inventory of condos, beachfront properties, and homes.
  • A mix of luxury and affordable housing, offering diverse choices.
  1. Tax Considerations

North Carolina:

  • North Carolina property taxes tend to be lower than in South Carolina, offering potential savings for homeowners.
  • The state income tax rate is higher in North Carolina, which could affect overall financial planning.

South Carolina:

  • While property taxes are higher in South Carolina, the income tax rate is lower, making it a favorable choice for some residents.
  • Consider your overall financial situation and preferences before deciding on taxes as a deciding factor.


Deciding whether to explore Myrtle Beach homes for sale in North Carolina or South Carolina depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and financial goals. While North Carolina offers an exclusive and tranquil setting with potential long-term value appreciation, South Carolina provides a vibrant and bustling environment with a more extensive range of real estate options. Consider your priorities, such as location, budget, taxes, and lifestyle, to make an informed decision when embarking on your Myrtle Beach home-buying journey. Happy house hunting! Get more here

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